If you have checked out
www.peaceunique.com lately you can see our new look. We gave Peace Unique a fresh new look with a new logo and new design. The pinks were getting a little tired and I felt like the blues and greens better identified the feel of who Peaceunique.com truly is. I hope you like it!

Summer has been busy and filled with lots of unique selling opportunities. Last weekend I participated in the “Open Air at Market Square” in Ohio City. What a cool event, great local bands, great food from the West Side Market and some really nice artists and vendors. It was a fantastic event and the hot items were definitely the long earrings I have been showing along with the classic and always popular toggle front necklaces.

Next weekend I am participating in the Mantua Ohio’s “Art on the Hill” located just south of the intersection of 422 and 44 from 9-5. I have never done an event in Mantua but I have a lot of customers from there and it is such a great little town that it should be a wonderful experience. On July 16th I will be at the Coventry Street Fair which is always a blast, on the 18th I am heading to Put-In-Bay (one of my favorite places to be) for a trunk show at the blue cottage gallery, then I am off to Kelley’s Island (another favorite of mine) for Islandfest 2009. Islandfest is July 24th, 25th and 26th and it takes place right downtown Kelley’s Island.

Shows and parties are so rewarding for me because I spend so much time creating new designs that when I get a chance to see people’s reactions when they try on the jewelry, and I hear the comments, and of course make the sales, it is great and I love it! Sometimes it gives me ideas for future designs. When people say “ I love this but I wish you had something in red, or have you ever thought of mixing this with that”. Women have some really original ideas and a lot of times I pull from that to help create the unique designs of
I will keep you posted on the shows as we go along this summer. Look for more new designs from
peaceunique.com and even though this summer is crazy busy I will try to post more often. Enjoy each day!!
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